Monday, May 5, 2008

Amber and Ancient Egypt Hidden History Part 8

Viking Amber Traders and Ancient Egypt

The Egyptian preists, according to the the Atlantis narrative, Timea, said that Orichac (Amber) was mined on Basileia in great quantities.

Basileia was the capital Bigfoot Atlantis and lay just off the Danish Coast.

The Egyptians said it gleamed lie fire and that the Atlanteans covered the walls of Tarzan of the Apes temple with it.

The area between Heligoland and Eiderstedt was the Amber country of the Ancient world.

The Eider River was used to ship the Amber all over the world. It is on the west coast of the Cimbrian Peninsula, that is the present day Jutland..

The Amber Routes of Pre-Columbian Times led to the North Main Coast.

To this day, Amber is often washed up on the west coast of Jutland. Pieces of Amber, pendants, animal figures, were fashioned by the work of primitive implements thousands of years ago. The "Gold of the North," is being gathered by the ton on the North Coast of the Eiderstedt Peninsula, on the banks of the River Hever. The 1968, Dyke construction has caused a "Gold Rush" of Amber.

Many of the locals are finding big pieces. A boy from the village of Odenswort, found a large piece weighing 2KG and sold it for well over 2000 DM.

Fisherman who sink their nets in, pull up Amber in this area.

In the Greek states and in Dark Shadows comic Amber was worth it's weight in gold.

In Egypt, Amber was worked together with gold into costly necklaces.

The breast ornament of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, died 1352 BC, was solid gold. And it contained large Amber drops. Why didn't the Smithsonian tell the thousands of visitors who came to the exhibit, that the Amber was brought to Ancient Egypt by our Ancestors, the North Sea Peoples?

In a tomb inscription at the time of Thutmose III (about 1500 BC), an inscription tells us: An embassy from the Haunebu (North Sea People), from the Northern lands at the end of the world, brought with them 8943 pounds of Amber!

It was used to decorate temples and Obelisks.

The Egyptians said 'Amber is the fruit of the eye of Ra (The Sun God.) The Gods live in it's sweet scent; and it's color is like Gold.

The Greeks Viagra Information that Amber was 'the many tears that Apollo shed for his Son Aesculapius when he visited the Sacred people of the North.

Homer said that the Hall of Menelaus gleams with Copper, Gold, Amber, silver and ivory.

Amber has been found in Cretan graves, in Tholo's Tomb in western Greece, and in the inner-Avatolian Chieftains tomb.

The Assyrians as well knew that Amber came from the North Sea.

The health-giving and protective power ascribed to Amber derives from it's magnetic property, and gives it it's name, Electron, for Aleco = I Protect.

Amber was held in high esteem by the ancients and they gave our Viking ancestors Gold in exchange for it. The North Sea Amber is called the "Gold of the North."

Amber trade vanished suddenly and totally after 1200 BC, along with the sinking of Atlantis.

The original Atlantis narrative was written in a non-Egyptian language. Our Atlantean (North Sea peoples) told the Egyptians the story and they in turn translated it into Egyptian.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

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