Saturday, May 31, 2008

Localization Is A Door To Innovation

I am always amazed at stories of Vermont Lemon Laws innovations when companies develop their IRS tax lawyer markets. These stories are inspiring. And when they are stories in countries I'm not familiar with they often completely take me off guard.

In his book "Redefining Global Strategy", Copyright 2007, from Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, Pankaj Ghemawat, gives a few examples of how everyday products were changed to adapt to local market demands in India:

  • Detergent bars donate old cars people to wash their clothes by hand.
  • Toothpaste made to be used with fingers instead of toothbrushes
  • A bar of soap with one side coated in plastic so it would take longer to wear down
  • A special shampoo and hair oil product

Hearing about such stories gives us all valuable insights into the cultural differences in our foreign markets. It makes us realize that other cultures have basic needs and desires different to our own. Other people live very differently than we do.

How can we IRS trouble the inspiration from these stories in our own business?

Continue Localizing Your Online Businesses

Businesses targeting international markets mainly through online sales and marketing activities should be inspired to persevere with market research.

Opening your online international development by localizing your websites can lead to increased interaction with foreign markets. Ongoing research and market feedback will lead to adjustments to adapt your products to foreign markets.

Pankaj Ghemawat explains that large multinationals have the choice of

  • Coming into a country and simply skimming off the narrow top level of the market, or
  • Expanding their products through innovation to meet local cultural needs.
  • Not all companies developing overseas will have the luxury of making this choice.

    Localization Is A Tool To Understand Your Foreign Markets

    An intimate understanding of each of your foreign markets will be a major factor in innovating your products to different cultures.

    By stimulating feedback from your foreign markets, even if it is only online, you will acquire valuable foreign market knowledge. Combine this knowledge with the right mindset. Try to look at your products through your foreign prospects van insurance quote and experience your products as he would experience them.

    The question is will you simply skim off your market or will you be inspired to innovate your products to local needs and desires.

    Will all of the research and analyzing your products "results" in foreign markets keep you from being truly inspired and seeing the opportunities for new product innovation?

    Get a free special report that gives you the 8 Steps To Develop Your International Business easily from where your business is now. This valuable report is yours when you sign up for the Get International Clients free weekly newsletter, with easy to implement tips and case studies to help you develop your international mindset and get you more international clients today. Get yours now at


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