Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Software - Print Artist

Are Nebraska Lemon Laws tired of the price of greeting cards these days? Does it make you sick to your stomach to have to look at some of the garbage Get your FREE credit score Alien more! they pass off as a greeting card? Are you fed up with rushing to the store the last minute and finding that there are no Mother's Day cards left except the ones that are in Greek? Well, you might want to start creating your own cards. What's that you say? You're no artist? You can't create greeting cards? Well, you may want to rethink that because Print Artist makes creating greeting cards so easy that even a kid can do it.

Print Artist is just one of the many hot titles made by Sierra, a company that is known more questions about Viagra its great games. But Print Artist is no game or toy. It is one serious piece of software for creating greeting cards and you don't have to have a masters degree in modern or fine art to use it. Just a decent computer and a printer.

There are a lot of programs that can do graphics and will give you a ton of great stock photos to use for your projects. But we all know that the problem with creating greeting cards is that these things have to be folded in a certain way. That makes placing the layout of the photos and text a little tough to do manually. Sure, if you have an artist's eye and an intuition for this stuff you can probably figure it out and end up getting your front cover, inside cover, inside text and back cover all lined up just Slurpee But most people would have to go through a lot of trial and error in order to do this.

Print Artist solves this problem with ease.

When you open up the software and load a standard greeting card template, 99% of the work is done for you. What you will be looking at is an actual greeting card. You can switch between all four views with the click of your mouse. From there it's simply a matter of placing your text and graphics where you want them. And don't worry about centering your graphics on each page. Print Artist has a centering function that makes it very easy.

As for the graphic themselves, Print Artist gives you tens of thousands of graphics and real photos you can use. They have everything from cartoon graphics to photos of historic landmarks. These are all easy to find through a terrific search function that allows you to view graphics by category. For example. If you want a photo or drawing that has something to do with politics, there is a whole political category. There is virtually nothing you can think of that isn't in this package. Because of this, Print Artist takes up quite a bit of disk space. So be prepared if you want to store these images on your PC. Of course you can always choose to leave them on the CD.

If you want to create really beautiful greeting cards, banners, posters, certificates and a number of other things, you absolutely can't go wrong with Print Artist.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Software


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