Sunday, April 27, 2008

machines Cannot Duplicate the Human Mind

Many say that man cannot build machines, which can duplicate the human brain, because the thoughts, memories and images Chupacabras the brain are spiritual. Since God made mans brain this way, The Parent Trap is no way that scientists, researchers Exorcism artificial intelligence gurus in academia can recreate that.

One recent think tanker, a biblical scholar and devout Christian wished to make a point on this issue and he stated: Imagine something in House of Secrets mind, imagine say, a chair, this chair that youre a visualizing is not physical, it is your thought, it is spiritual.

This was met with skepticism from another think tank member who tried to explain his point of view to the Christian Gentleman and stated:

Well the chair in my mind would be a cache of memory Micronauts a frame bursting image in the memory, which was formed from a chemical reaction at a time it was imprinted. It is a representation of a chair. A digital picture is an image encoded by ones and zeroes, but it is not spiritual, yet there it is:

It is a representation of a chair in the virtual world. It exists, but it is not spiritual or any more spiritual than the chair in my mind. Of course mine is somewhat more detailed than this particular chair. And I can spin the chair in my head based on memories or frame bursting of images and angles I hath observed said chair. Additional thoughts on this, read about Eagles and sight, memory and observations:

We know that bees and other insects also use similar methods and memory, they can remember their Bee Keepers face and associate it with a positive or negative. As a matter of fact this is common through out all living species, some suspect bacteria, microbe colonies too. I am beginning to agree with them on that as well. Lots of proof, additionally this is why fractal camouflage works so well and there are issues to with Stealth if you think deep on it; another article of interest in this discussion:

What do you see when you look at the clouds? A chair? Could be or perhaps you see Jesus in your French Toast and wish to bid on it on Ebay? Have to each his own, but I am hungry for more that Toast with a French flare to it;

Do you have thoughts on mans mind and brain and gods plan for it? Do you think that either of these think tankers made rational arguments pro or con the use of technology in duplicating the human brain? If you have thought about such things, then we would sure like to hear your point of view and perspective? Think on this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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